Urgent Support

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or poses risk to self or to others, emergency support should be sought without delay.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or poses risk to self or to others, emergency support should be sought without delay.

The Wellbeing Service is not able to provide crisis support.


For an immediate emergency requiring the Police, Ambulance or Fire Service, dial 999

  • We strongly advise you dialing 999 in all cases of overdosing, even if you do not feel unwell; delaying help can be fatal.

For on-campus first aid and security, call 01243 816363


If you require more urgent health or mental health support please do not delay getting help by:

  • Making an urgent / same-day GP appointment
  • Attending A&E at St Richard’s Hospital
  • Contacting NHS 111 or the NHS Sussex Mental Healthline:  0300 5000 101 (24 hours a day)
  • Contacting the Samaritans on 116 123 (24 hours)
  • Using the Student Health App for reliable health information including how and when to get help (free to download on Apple App Store and Google Play)
  • Using tools on the Stay Alive App to help you stay safe until you get help (free to download on Apple App Store and Google Play)